I’ve received several items of
exciting post recently.
First there was a copy of the Chinese edition of my debut
novel, Time to Say Goodbye, which looks totally different to the original but
fantastic nonetheless.
Next to arrive was a hard copy of the If Ever I Fall audiobook.
I was delighted to get my hands on this: an excellent unabridged version of my
second novel, narrated by the very talented Emma Gregory and Leighton Pugh.
Finally, most exciting of all, I’ve just received the
page proofs of my next book, Stand By Me, which will be out in paperback and as
an ebook on 11 January 2018.
I absolutely can’t wait for this one to be released. I’m
really pleased with it. If you enjoyed either of my previous novels, I think it
will be right up your street. There might even be a certain character you’ll
recognise from Time to Say Goodbye, although I’m afraid that’s as much as I can
say without giving anything away.
You can, however, find out a little more about the plot of
Stand By Me by clicking HERE, where it’s also available to pre-order.
Being sent the page proofs by my publisher is always a big
moment. It’s the first time I get to see the words laid out exactly as they’ll
appear in the final product. It’s also something of a farewell, since I get to
read the story over just once more, make any final corrections, and then that’s
it: my ‘book baby’ leaves my hands for good.
Anyway, I’d better get cracking. Time’s ticking and I’ve got
a deadline to meet . . .